
The National Health Products Catalogue (NHPC)

The National Health Products Catalogue (NHPC) is a comprehensive and sophisticated information service that contains information on over 68,000 products, which includes more than 7,500 licensed and almost 5,000 unlicensed medicinal products available in Ireland. This includes pharmacy- and hospital-related products, prescription and over-the-counter medicines, human and veterinary, as well as health and beauty, cosmetic and other front-of shop-products. There are over 13,000 reimbursable items listed.


Which includes more then

Reimbursable items
of community pharmacies use it
0 %

In addition to pricing information, barcodes etc. the NHPC provides valuable professional information on health products. The professional information provided includes the Medicinal Product Name, PA/EU number, Generic Name, Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Form, Strength and Legal Classification.

In addition to pricing information, barcodes etc. the NHPC provides valuable professional information on health products. The professional information provided includes the Medicinal Product Name, PA/EU number, Generic Name, Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Form, Strength and Legal Classification.

In addition to pricing information, barcodes etc. the NHPC provides valuable professional information on health products. The professional information provided includes the Medicinal Product Name, PA/EU number, Generic Name, Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Form, Strength and Legal Status.


The National Health Products Catalogue (NHPC)

The National Health Products Catalogue (NHPC) is a comprehensive and sophisticated information service that contains information on over 68,000 products, which includes more than 7,500 licensed and almost 5,000 unlicensed medicinal products available in Ireland. This includes pharmacy- and hospital-related products, prescription and over-the-counter medicines, human and veterinary, as well as health and beauty, cosmetic and other front-of shop-products. There are over 13,000 reimbursable items listed.


Which includes more then

Reimbursable items
of community pharmacies use it
0 %

In addition to pricing information, barcodes etc. the NHPC provides valuable professional information on health products. The professional information provided includes the Medicinal Product Name, PA/EU number, Generic Name, Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Form, Strength and Legal Classification.


The NHPC is not only used by 95% of community pharmacies in Ireland but also a range of other healthcare providers, organisations, pharma industry and others.

It is used as a source file for other product files available nationally (and at least one internationally).

ISO Certification

As part of a process of continuous improvement, the NHPC maintains ISO Certification for 9001 (Quality) and 27001 (Information Security).

Achieving ISO 9001 highlights the commitment to total quality management, with a customer focus and a continually improving process approach implemented throughout the NHPC Department, where critical processes and interactions are understood and documented.

ISO 27001 looks intently at the totality of an organisation’s information assets and then steps through a process that gauges risks related to these assets. ISO 27001 is essentially a compendium of best practice with respect to information security.

Given the importance of the NHPC for safe dispensing and consistent information in patient medical records, the audit and certification process emphasises the robustness of the NHPC and underpins its position as the definitive medicinal product catalogue in Ireland.

Updates for the NHPC can be tailored for use and are available daily via the NHPC Web Service.